
Bible Study

Join us for bible study every Wednesday.  Learn more about the Gospel of Luke, "the Beloved Physician". There is so much to learn about how our Church has grown over the centuries and how we can help to spread the message now.  

Our leader, Deacon Harry is a bible scholar and a teacher.    

** Every Wednesday, 9:30-10:30 am in the JPII room.  Please come!  All are welcome.

Deacon Harry Martin (douloscross@icloud.com)


Italian Catholic Federation

Branch 52 of the Italian Catholic Federation was founded at St. John the Baptist Parish in 1935. The branch is celebrating its 85th birthday. The first president was a well-known parishioner and resident of Healdsburg, Henry Passalacqua. Branch 52 is proud to have served the parish and community in all these many years.

On the local level, the branch contributes to the parish, the parish school and parish organizations. Since 2015, the branch has donated scholarships, for high school, to eighth graders whose families are members. We sponsor family events, polenta dinners, fish fry, mother’s and fathers’ day dinner, an annual harvest potluck dinner and Christmas party. Our biennial Golf Tournament allows us to donate further to other causes such as St. Vincent de Paul and Thalassemia Fund and other charities. We also support the larger Catholic community with college scholarships and the Providenza Fund for Seminarians.

Our branch presently has about 235 members and we are always looking for new members who would like to join us in our good works and, also, have some fun. We invite you to join us.

Contact: President Monika Besancon 707.477.1998 or monikabesancon@comcast.net



The Knights of Columbus (KOC), a national organization that was established to provide a means by which Catholic men could support the Catholic Church and assists its Parish Pastor, provide financial protection for their families, and engage in works of charity to benefit the less fortunate.

These activities include annual dinners, such as the annual Cioppino Crab Feed, a St. Patrick’s Day Corned Beef Dinner, and Chicken Polenta Dinner to raise funds for St. John’s Catholic School activities.

For more information about the Knights of Columbus and/or to inquire about membership, contact the following:

  • Grand Knight: Terrence Smith - 707-431-8755
  • Financial Secretary: Robert Haun - 707-433-2527

Ladies Guild 

Mission: The Ladies Guild gathers together to support our Parish and Healdsburg Community. We encourage and give each other Strength in our Faith in the Lord Jesus.

Any woman in St. John’s Parish is invited to join and participate in enjoying social fellowship once a month.

Activities: Promotes fellowship and addressing the needs of the St. John’s Parish and Healdsburg community. These efforts include periodic blanket and towels collections for the homeless, and helping St. Vincent De Paul Ministry with Christmas Family Gifts. Ladies Guild has also had collections for infant and toddler clothing which were donated to Catholic Charities for those in need. A specific group maintains the votive candles. Have assisted in donut coffee socials and receptions after Mass.

For more information about the Ladies Guild and/or to inquire about becoming a member, contact:

Chair: Sharon Cowley - 707-431-0997

Meetings occur with Ladies Guild: Second Thursday each month in Parish Rectory Conference Room, September–June at 12:00 noon.

Helping Hands

The Helping Hands Ministry is a subsidiary of the Ladies Guild and assists Catholic families during their time of grief, in setting up, planning and serving for funeral receptions in the Parish Hall. This help and assistance with Funeral receptions can occur on Saturdays. The Parish Hall seats 80-100 guests comfortably. 

Volunteers in this Ministry help with the reception, but do not supply the food. The family may decide to provide the food or seek a catering service. The volunteers provide support to set up, serve, provide a coffee/tea service, and cleanup at the reception. The Parish Office contacts the Ladies Guild Chair, when a request for this support is received.

For more information about the Helping Hands Ministry, and/or to inquire about becoming a member, contact Ladies Guild Chair, Sharon Cowley: 707-431-0997.


Legion of Mary

The Legion of Mary was founded in Dublin, Ireland on September 7, 1921. It is a lay catholic organization whose members are giving service to the Church on a voluntary basis in almost every country. The object of the Legion of Mary is the glory of God through the hotlines of its members developed by prayer and active co-operation in Mary’s and the Church’s work.

The unit of the Legion of Mary is called a praesidium, which holds a weekly meeting, where prayer is intermingled with reports and discussion. Persons who wish to join the Legion should visit one of the Praesidium.

The Works of the Legion

The Legion sees as its priority the spiritual and social welfare of each individual. The members participate in the life of the parish through visitation of families, the sick, both in their homes and hospitals and through collaboration in every apostolic and missionary undertaking sponsored by the parish.

Every legionary is required to carry out a weekly apostolic work in the spirit of faith and in union with Mary. “For all states of the laity the perfect example of spiritual and apostolic life is the most Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Apostles, who while leading the life common to all here on earth, one filled with family concerns and labours, was always intimately united with her Son and in an entirely unique way co-operated in the work of the Saviour...All should devoutly venerate her and commend their life and apostolate to her maternal care”.

Options to participate in Legion of Mary

It is open to Priests, and lay people who wish to associate themselves with the Legion by undertaking a service of prayer in it. If you are interested, please call Vicenta Vega at 707-867-7322 for more information.

Life in the Spirit Prayer Group

The Life in the Spirit Prayer group was organized to provide a place for fellowship, prayer, singing, teaching and opportunities for members to gain more insight into the Holy Spirit’s intervention in our lives. The Life in the Spirit Prayer Group gathers weekly on Mondays in the Rectory from 7:00 – 8:30 pm.

Information from the Guidebook Life in the Spirit (excerpt):

For all men there is a promise of the Holy Spirit made by Jesus and by the Father Who made you. Perhaps you know Him and have wondered if there should be more. Perhaps you have only dimly heard of His Holy Spirit and wish you could have more of a relationship with this third person of the Trinity.

Through the Eucharist, prayer teaching and fellowship, He feeds and speaks to you. He offers you a promise, a free gift, a new life in the Holy Spirit, a new life without a price. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit offer it to you freely, just as They created you freely because They love you.

"The Spirit and the Bride say 'Come'. Let everyone who thirsts come forward and let the one who desires it receive the gift of life giving water." - Rev. 22:17

If you are interested in more information about Life in the Spirit Prayer Group, please contact the Rectory at 707.433.5536.

Liturgical Ministries

Altar Servers

Altar Server Ministry offers the youth of our Parish from Grade 3 on up, the opportunity to assist the priest and serve in a special way during the celebration of the Mass. Altar Servers are required to attend training sessions. They will normally be scheduled to serve once a month. Participating as an Altar Server contributes to service hours.

If you are interested in this ministry, contact the coordinator, Sandy Valera – 707.688.1078 or call the Parish Office – 707.433.5536.

Eucharistic Ministers (Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion)

Eucharistic Ministers assist the presider in sharing the Eucharist at Mass with reverence and dignity. Open to active, confirmed parishioners. Training is provided as needed.

If you are interested in this ministry, please call the Parish Office – 707-433-5536.


Lectors are men and women who proclaim the word of God to the assembly at Sunday and Holy Day liturgies. Training is required. Parishioners who desire to participate as a Lector in this ministry, contact the Lector Ministry Coordinator, Carolle LeMonnier at 707-321-1209.


The Greeter serves as an extension of the Community. A Greeter welcomes all those who come to share in our Liturgy celebration.

As Greeters we provide a strong sense of personal touch to make everybody feel welcome. A friendly smile and a few welcoming words greatly bless us all. Greeters are member of our parish which we consider the frontline of hospitality for St. John the Baptist Catholic Church. Greeters are the people who have the first initial encounters with visitors and play a unique and important role in establishing the spirit of welcoming which is experienced and conveyed to all the parishioners and visitors to our Parish.

If you are interested in becoming a Greeter, contact the Parish Office 707-433-5536.

Liturgical Ministries Schedule 

Click HERE

St. Vincent DePaul Society

The St. Vincent DePaul Society Vincentian volunteers at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church provide direct assistance to persons in the Healdsburg area, helping with food,rent, utilities,  clothing, furniture, medical, dental, and transportation for the poor and needy. These volunteers provide a lunch every Friday to anyone who seeks a meal.

These Vincentian volunteers coordinate an Annual Christmas Outreach Gift Program with St. John’s Parishioners, other Parish Organizations and St. John’s School, for
needy families and the unhomed
, providing clothes, toys, and food to enrich their spiritual holiday.

Chair: Pat Flanagan (707-433-5536)